  • Joined on Apr 03, 2022
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jsnyder886 closed issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

2 years ago

jsnyder886 commented on issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

Everything is working as expected at this point, thanks so much! It was definately an issue of my computer running the 32bit version of autohotkey when it needed to be the 64 bit version. I ran…

2 years ago

jsnyder886 commented on issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

Alright, well I decided to just try the 64 bit version of autohotkey and I get 0 for my result for open and addlistener now. Not sure if there's anything for you to change in the osc2ahk dll file or…

2 years ago

jsnyder886 commented on issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

So I've been able to dig a little deeper with some of the thoughts that you've offered. I was able to run the "GetLastError" dll function and got 193 as the result. From what I've been able to find…

2 years ago

jsnyder886 commented on issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

So here are my results... DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "OSC2AHK.dll", "Ptr") That returns 0. DllCall("OSC2AHK.dll\open", UInt, hWnd, UInt, 7002) That returns empty or null. Thanks…

2 years ago

jsnyder886 opened issue Ludwig/OSC2AHK#8

Can't open port

2 years ago