Browse Source

Merge branch '4PointCutting'

Ludwig Frühschütz 3 years ago
14 changed files with 613 additions and 0 deletions
  1. +288
  2. +33
  3. +10
  4. +24
  5. +34
  6. +35
  7. +35
  8. +35
  9. +35
  10. +22
  11. +26
  12. +36
  13. BIN
  14. BIN

+ 288
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_execute.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script executes "one edit" and copies source material from
-- already set source in/out markers to also set destination in/out markers.
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: SWS extensions.
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local stored_cursorPos = 0
local stored_timeSelStart = 0
local stored_timeSelEnd = 0
local stored_sel_tracks = {}
local stored_sel_items = {}
local stored_view_start = 0
local stored_view_end = 0
local mark_srcin_pos = -1
local mark_srcin_id = -1
local mark_srcout_pos = -1
local mark_srcout_id = -1
local mark_dstin_pos = -1
local mark_dstin_id = -1
local mark_dstout_pos = -1
local mark_dstout_id = -1
local dst_track_offset = 0 -- if the uppermost item is not on the first sourcetrack, this offset needs to be applied to the dst-track selection
local edit_mode = 0
local sws_present = false
-- edit modes: 0=not enough markers set; 1=src-in, src-out, dst-in; 2=src-in, src-out, dst-out;
-- 3=src-in, dst-in, dst-out; 4=src-out, dst-in, dst-out; 5=all four markers set;
-- Send a message to the console
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
-- Round number
function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
-- Calculate offset between first source track and uppermost source item (how many
-- tracks are empty in source selection on top). This needs to be applied to destination
-- track selection, otherwise the items will be pasted shifted upwards.
-- This function depends on the source tracks AND items to be already selected,
-- it does not care about any markers or stored sourcetracks!
function calculate_track_offset()
local first_sel_track = 9999
local uppermost_item_track = 9999
-- get number of first selected track
for i = 0, reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0)-1 do
local nof_track = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, i), "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
if nof_track < first_sel_track then
first_sel_track = nof_track
-- get tracknumber of first selected item
for i = 0, reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0)-1 do
local trackno_item = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(reaper.GetMediaItemTrack(reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)), "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
if trackno_item < uppermost_item_track then
uppermost_item_track = trackno_item
-- calculate offset
dst_track_offset = uppermost_item_track - first_sel_track
-- Selects the source tracks, or, if not stored in rpp, selects all tracks
function select_src_tracks()
local tracks_str = ''
local tracks = {}
local retval
retval, tracks_str = reaper.GetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'src_tracks')
if retval > 0 then -- variable exists in rpp
-- separate GUIDs and populate track table
for str in string.gmatch(tracks_str, "([^"..'{'.."]+)") do
table.insert(tracks, reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, '{' .. str))
-- select tracks
for _, track in ipairs(tracks) do
reaper.SetTrackSelected(track, true)
-- default to all tracks
for i = 0, reaper.CountTracks(0)-1 do
reaper.SetTrackSelected(reaper.GetTrack(0, i), true)
-- Select the destination tracks, or, if not stored in rpp, the first track
-- Also a offset must be specified which will be applied to the tracknumber to select
function select_dst_track_only()
local track_str = ''
local retval
local raw_dst_track
-- Get "raw" track, without offset
retval, track_str = reaper.GetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'dst_track')
if retval > 0 then -- variable exists in rpp
raw_dst_track = reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, track_str)
else --default to first track
raw_dst_track = reaper.GetTrack(0, 0)
if dst_track_offset <= 0 then
-- no offset to respect, easy
local trackno_dst_track = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(raw_dst_track, "IP_TRACKNUMBER") + dst_track_offset
-- Run trough all tracks, select the one with the matching tracknumber and return
for i = 0, reaper.CountTracks(0)-1 do
local nof_track = reaper.GetMediaTrackInfo_Value(reaper.GetTrack(0, i), "IP_TRACKNUMBER")
if nof_track == trackno_dst_track then
reaper.SetOnlyTrackSelected(reaper.GetTrack(0, i))
-- In theory should never be reached, use raw track as fallback, probably something is wrong with the offset:
-- START HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
-- check for SWS extensions
if reaper.NamedCommandLookup('_SWS_ABOUT') > 0 then sws_present = true end
-- run through all markers and get position of the 4 points
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
local name = ''
local pos = 0
local id = 0
local isregion = false
_, isregion, pos, _, name, id = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion then
if name == 'SRC-IN_4Pcut' then
mark_srcin_pos = pos
mark_srcin_id = id
elseif name == 'SRC-OUT_4Pcut' then
mark_srcout_pos = pos
mark_srcout_id = id
elseif name == 'DST-IN_4Pcut' then
mark_dstin_pos = pos
mark_dstin_id = id
elseif name == 'DST-OUT_4Pcut' then
mark_dstout_pos = pos
mark_dstout_id = id
-- set edit mode depending on which markers are set (see comments next to definition of edit_mode)
if mark_srcin_id >= 0 and mark_srcout_id >= 0 and mark_dstin_id >= 0 and mark_dstout_id < 0 then
edit_mode = 1
elseif mark_srcin_id >= 0 and mark_srcout_id >= 0 and mark_dstin_id < 0 and mark_dstout_id >= 0 then
edit_mode = 2
elseif mark_srcin_id >= 0 and mark_srcout_id < 0 and mark_dstin_id >= 0 and mark_dstout_id >= 0 then
edit_mode = 3
elseif mark_srcin_id < 0 and mark_srcout_id >= 0 and mark_dstin_id >= 0 and mark_dstout_id >= 0 then
edit_mode = 4
elseif mark_srcin_id >= 0 and mark_srcout_id >= 0 and mark_dstin_id >= 0 and mark_dstout_id >= 0 then
edit_mode = 5
-- error messages
if edit_mode <= 0 then
msg('Please set at least 3 of the 4 markers first! Aborting.')
elseif (edit_mode == 1 or edit_mode == 2 or edit_mode == 5) and (mark_srcin_pos >= mark_srcout_pos) then
msg('SRC-IN Marker must be set left of SRC-OUT marker! Aborting.')
elseif (edit_mode == 3 or edit_mode == 4 or edit_mode == 5) and (mark_dstin_pos >= mark_dstout_pos) then
msg('DST-IN Marker must be set left of DST-OUT marker! Aborting.')
elseif not sws_present then
msg('SWS extensions are not installed but needed! Aborting.')
-- Do stuff before actual edits...
--store viewport off arranger
stored_view_start, stored_view_end = reaper.GetSet_ArrangeView2(0, false, 0, 0)
-- Store cursor position, time selection, selected tracks, selected items
stored_cursorPos = reaper.GetCursorPosition()
stored_timeSelStart, stored_timeSelEnd = reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(false, true, 0, 1, false)
for i = 0, reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0)-1 do
stored_sel_tracks[i+1] = reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, i)
for i = 0, reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0)-1 do
stored_sel_items[i+1] = reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
-- unselect items and tracks, select source tracks
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Unselect all items
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Unselect all tracks
-- Set Source Time selection according to edit mode
if edit_mode == 1 then -- src-in, src-out and dst-in defined
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcin_pos, mark_srcout_pos, false)
elseif edit_mode == 2 then -- src-in, src-out and dst-out defined
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcin_pos, mark_srcout_pos, false)
mark_dstin_pos = mark_dstout_pos - (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos) -- also set dst-in position, so we have a point to paste to
mark_dstin_id = reaper.AddProjectMarker(0, false, mark_dstin_pos, 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut', -1)
elseif edit_mode == 3 then -- src-in, dst-in and dst-out defined
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcin_pos, mark_srcin_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), false)
elseif edit_mode == 4 then -- src-out, dst-in and dst-out defined
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcout_pos - (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), mark_srcout_pos, false)
elseif edit_mode == 5 then -- all 4 markers defined, get lenght of shortest region
if (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos) < (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos) then
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcin_pos, mark_srcout_pos, false)
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, false, mark_srcin_pos, mark_srcin_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), false)
-- Copy items
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40718, 0) -- select items on selected tracks under time selection
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40060, 0) -- copy selected items under time selection 41383
-- Calculate track offset between first selected item and first dst-track
-- Move edit cursor to Dest-In and Paste
reaper.GoToMarker(0, mark_dstin_id, false)
--reaper.Main_OnCommand(40058, 0) -- paste item
reaper.Main_OnCommand( reaper.NamedCommandLookup('_SWS_AWPASTE'), 0 ) -- SWS Paste
-- Remove content behind selected items (avoid overlapping). Only really needed if "Trim content behind media items when editing" is off.
reaper.Main_OnCommand( 40930, 0 ) -- Remove content (trim) behind items
-- Crossfade
local selected_items_count = reaper.CountSelectedMediaItems(0)
for i = 0, selected_items_count - 1 do -- select tracks with selected items...
local item = reaper.GetSelectedMediaItem(0, i)
local track = reaper.GetMediaItem_Track(item)
reaper.SetTrackSelected(track, true)
reaper.Main_OnCommand( 40290, 0 ) -- set time selection to selected items
reaper.Main_OnCommand( 40320, 0 ) -- nudge left edge of time selection left
reaper.Main_OnCommand( 40323, 0 ) -- nudge right edge of time selection right
reaper.Main_OnCommand( 40718, 0 ) -- select items on selected tracks and in time selection
reaper.Main_OnCommand( reaper.NamedCommandLookup('_SWS_CROSSFADE'), 0 ) -- Crossfade adjacent selected items
-- Move dstin marker according to edit mode
if edit_mode == 1 then
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstin_id, false, mark_dstin_pos + (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut')
elseif edit_mode == 2 then
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstout_id, false, mark_dstout_pos + (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut')
reaper.DeleteProjectMarker(0, mark_dstin_id, false) -- remove dst-in marker, this was set just for the pasting!
elseif edit_mode == 3 or edit_mode == 4 then
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstin_id, false, mark_dstin_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut')
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstout_id, false, mark_dstout_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut')
elseif edit_mode == 5 then
if (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos) < (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos) then
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstin_id, false, mark_dstin_pos + (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut')
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstout_id, false, mark_dstout_pos + (mark_srcout_pos - mark_srcin_pos), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut')
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstin_id, false, mark_dstin_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut')
reaper.SetProjectMarker(mark_dstout_id, false, mark_dstout_pos + (mark_dstout_pos - mark_dstin_pos), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut')
-- Restore cursor position, time selection, selected tracks, selected items
reaper.MoveEditCursor(stored_cursorPos - reaper.GetCursorPosition(), false)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Unselect all tracks
for _, track in ipairs(stored_sel_tracks) do
reaper.SetTrackSelected(track, true)
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40289, 0) -- Unselect all items
for _, item in ipairs(stored_sel_items) do
reaper.SetMediaItemSelected(item, true)
reaper.GetSet_LoopTimeRange(true, true, stored_timeSelStart, stored_timeSelEnd, false)
-- Restore view port of arranger
reaper.GetSet_ArrangeView2(0, true, 0, 0, stored_view_start, stored_view_end)
reaper.Undo_EndBlock('4 point cut: Execute', 4) -- 4 is a flag for actions concerning items

+ 33
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4PointCutting/4Pcut_reset_markers.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-- Reaper Script for 4 point editing. This script deletes all the special markers that are
-- used to define source and destination areas.
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
local id = -1
local name = ''
local isregion = false
local ids = {}
-- check if markers exist
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
_, isregion, _, _, name, id = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion and
(name == 'SRC-IN_4Pcut' or
name == 'SRC-OUT_4Pcut' or
name == 'DST-IN_4Pcut' or
name == 'DST-OUT_4Pcut') then
table.insert(ids, id)
-- delete markers
for _, id in ipairs(ids) do
reaper.DeleteProjectMarker(0, id, false)

+ 10
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_reset_src-dest-tracks.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script resets the source and destination tracks to "all" and "first".
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
reaper.SetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'dst_track', '')
reaper.SetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'src_tracks', '')

+ 24
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_select_dst-track.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script selects the previous set destination track
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
-- Send a message to the console
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
-- START HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
local track_str = ''
local retval
-- get the setting stored in rpp and select the track
retval, track_str = reaper.GetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'dst_track')
if retval > 0 then -- variable exists in rpp
reaper.SetOnlyTrackSelected(reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, track_str))
msg('Destination track not specified, using first track as default!')

+ 34
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_select_src-tracks.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script selects the previous set source tracks
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
-- Send a message to the console
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
-- START HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
local tracks_str = ''
local tracks = {}
local retval
-- get stored GUIDs from rpp and select the tracks
retval, tracks_str = reaper.GetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'src_tracks')
if retval > 0 then -- variable exists in rpp
-- separate GUIDs and populate track table
for str in string.gmatch(tracks_str, "([^"..'{'.."]+)") do
table.insert(tracks, reaper.BR_GetMediaTrackByGUID(0, '{' .. str))
-- select tracks
reaper.Main_OnCommand(40297, 0) -- Unselect all tracks
for _, track in ipairs(tracks) do
reaper.SetTrackSelected(track, true)
msg('Source tracks not specified, using all tracks as default!')

+ 35
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_DST-IN.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the Destination Start marker to the position of the edit cursor
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
local id = -1
-- check if marker already exists
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
local name_tmp = ''
local isregion_tmp = false
local id_tmp = 0
_, isregion_tmp, _, _, name_tmp, id_tmp = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion then
if name_tmp == 'DST-IN_4Pcut' then
id = id_tmp
if id >= 0 then
-- edit existing marker
reaper.SetProjectMarker(id, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut')
-- create new marker
reaper.AddProjectMarker2(0, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'DST-IN_4Pcut', -1, reaper.ColorToNative(0, 255, 0)|0x1000000)

+ 35
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_DST-OUT.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the Destination End marker to the position of the edit cursor
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
local id = -1
-- check if marker already exists
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
local name_tmp = ''
local isregion_tmp = false
local id_tmp = 0
_, isregion_tmp, _, _, name_tmp, id_tmp = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion then
if name_tmp == 'DST-OUT_4Pcut' then
id = id_tmp
if id >= 0 then
-- edit existing marker
reaper.SetProjectMarker(id, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut')
-- create new marker
reaper.AddProjectMarker2(0, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'DST-OUT_4Pcut', -1, reaper.ColorToNative(0, 255, 0)|0x1000000)

+ 35
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_SRC-IN.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the Source Start marker to the position of the edit cursor
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
local id = -1
-- check if marker already exists
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
local name_tmp = ''
local isregion_tmp = false
local id_tmp = 0
_, isregion_tmp, _, _, name_tmp, id_tmp = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion then
if name_tmp == 'SRC-IN_4Pcut' then
id = id_tmp
if id >= 0 then
-- edit existing marker
reaper.SetProjectMarker(id, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'SRC-IN_4Pcut')
-- create new marker
reaper.AddProjectMarker2(0, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'SRC-IN_4Pcut', -1, reaper.ColorToNative(0, 255, 0)|0x1000000)

+ 35
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_SRC-OUT.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the Source End marker to the position of the edit cursor
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
local nof_markers = 0
local nof_regions = 0
local id = -1
-- check if marker already exists
_, nof_markers, nof_regions = reaper.CountProjectMarkers(0)
nof_markers = nof_markers + nof_regions -- adapt count of 'CountProjectMarkers()' to 'EnumProjectMarkers()'
for i = 0, nof_markers - 1 do
local name_tmp = ''
local isregion_tmp = false
local id_tmp = 0
_, isregion_tmp, _, _, name_tmp, id_tmp = reaper.EnumProjectMarkers(i)
if not isregion then
if name_tmp == 'SRC-OUT_4Pcut' then
id = id_tmp
if id >= 0 then
-- edit existing marker
reaper.SetProjectMarker(id, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'SRC-OUT_4Pcut')
-- create new marker
reaper.AddProjectMarker2(0, false, reaper.GetCursorPosition(), 0, 'SRC-OUT_4Pcut', -1, reaper.ColorToNative(0, 255, 0)|0x1000000)

+ 22
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_dst-track.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the Destination track and stores it to the rpp.
-- Only one (the first) selected track is used here.
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
-- Send a message to the console
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
-- START HERE vvvvvvv
if reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0) > 0 then
local first_sel_track = reaper.GetTrackGUID(reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, 0))
reaper.SetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'dst_track', first_sel_track)
msg('No track selected!')

+ 26
- 0
4PointCutting/4Pcut_set_src-tracks.lua View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
-- Reaper Scripts for 4 point editing. This script sets the source tracks and stores it to the rpp.
-- Author: Ludwig Frühschütz
-- Source:
-- Git:
-- License: GPL v3.0
-- Requires: Reaper 5 or 6
-- Requires: This script goes with several other scripts that work closely together.
-- Send a message to the console
function msg(m)
reaper.ShowConsoleMsg(tostring(m) .. "\n")
-- START HERE vvvvvvv
if reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0) <= 0 then
msg('No track selected!')
-- get list of selected tracks and make string of GUIDs
local sel_tracks = ''
for i = 0, reaper.CountSelectedTracks(0)-1 do
sel_tracks = sel_tracks .. reaper.GetTrackGUID(reaper.GetSelectedTrack(0, i))
-- store selected tracks to rpp
reaper.SetProjExtState(0, '4PointCut', 'src_tracks', sel_tracks)

+ 36
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4PointCutting/ View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# 4 Point Cutting (WORK IN PROGRESS)
This set of scripts is an attempt to bring the famous 4 point editing features known from Magix' Sequoia to reaper.
## Requirements
This script does not work properly without SWS extensions (get them for free from
## Usage
### Basic functionality
* Set the beginning of the "source" region, from which the audio material will be copied by executing `4Pcut_set_SRC-IN`
* Set the end of the "source" region, from which the audio material will be copied by executing `4Pcut_set_SRC-OUT`
* Set the beginning of the "destination" region, to that the audio material will be copied by executing `4Pcut_set_DST-IN`
* Do the actual edit by executing `4Pcut_execute`
* Find the next source region you want to add and place source-in and source-out markers accordingly and run the execute script again. The destination marker(s) will be set automatically.
### Edit modes
The script can be run with every combination of 3 markers. The two of them that specify a complete "region" (src-in and src-out or dst-in and dst-out) are used to determine the length of material to copy. The third marker only needs to specify one point of the other region, the length will be the same as the other region.
* `src-in`, `src-out`, `dst-in` set: Audio from the region between src-in and src-out will be copied after dst-in. dst-in will be moved to the right about the length of the copied material.
* `src-in`, `src-out`, `dst-out` set: Audio from the region between src-in and src-out will be copied before dst-out. dst-out will be set to the right about the length of the copied material
* `src-in`, `dst-in`, `dst-in` set: Audio from the src-in point with the length of the region between dst-in and dst-out will be copied after dst-in. dst-in and dst-out will be moved to the right about the length of the copied material.
* `src-out`, `dst-in`, `dst-out` set: Audio from the left of the src-out point with the length of the region between dst-in and dst-out will be copied after dst-in. dst-in and dst-out will be moved to the right about the length of the copied material.
If all 4 markers are set, the shorter region of the 2 specifies the length to be copied. The dst-in and dst-out markers will be moved to the right about the length of the copied material.
### Scripts
* `4Pcut_set_src-in`, `4Pcut_set_src-out`, `4Pcut_set_dst-in` and `4Pcut_set_dst_out` set markers with special names that are used to specify the source and destination regions to be edited.
* `4Pcut_reset_markers` deletes all four of the special markers, if present.
* `4Pcut_execute` executes one edit, copies the audio material from source to destination and sets the destination markers accordingly for the next edit step.
* `4Pcut_set_src-tracks` sets the currently selected tracks as the source tracks from which audio material will be copied. If unset, all tracks will be used.
* `4Pcut_set_dst-track` sets the first of the currently selected tracks as the first destination track to which audio material will be copied. If unset, track one will be used.
* `4Pcut_select_src-tracks` selects the stored source tracks set by `4Pcut_set_src-tracks`.
* `4Pcut_select_dst-track` selects the stored destination track set by `4Pcut_set_dst-track`.
* `4Pcut_reset_src-dst-tracks` resets the source tracks to "all" and the destination track to track one.
## Screenshots
Markers set:
After execution:

4PointCutting/screenshots/3markers.PNG View File

Before After
Width: 1050  |  Height: 686  |  Size: 42 KiB

4PointCutting/screenshots/3markers_1edit.PNG View File

Before After
Width: 1049  |  Height: 686  |  Size: 43 KiB
