OSC extension for Autohotkey, a DLL
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
1.4 KiB

; This example sends OSC messages on key presses and works together with the simple_example.ahk
; and string_example.ahk. The messages are sent back to this PC by using the loopback IP adress
;, but of course normal IP addresses can be used too.
; #Warn
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Until here, this is the default script template
; Get handle to this running script instance
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
; Load DLL
DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "OSC2AHK.dll", "Ptr")
; Send OSC message with integer payload with Shift+a
ip := "" ; Note that this is the "loopback" IP, so this gets sent back to our PC
port := 7001
addr := "/test1"
data := 42
DllCall("OSC2AHK.dll\sendOscMessageInt", AStr, ip, UInt, port, AStr, addr, Int, data)
; Send OSC message with float payload with Shift+s
ip := "" ; Note that this is the "loopback" IP, so this gets sent back to our PC
port := 7001
addr := "/test1"
data := 42.3
DllCall("OSC2AHK.dll\sendOscMessageFloat", AStr, ip, UInt, port, AStr, addr, Float, data)
; Send OSC message with string payload with Shift+d
ip := "" ; Note that this is the "loopback" IP, so this gets sent back to our PC
port := 7001
addr := "/test1"
data := "Some string..."
DllCall("OSC2AHK.dll\sendOscMessageString", AStr, ip, UInt, port, AStr, addr, AStr, data)
; Shutdown the script with Shift+ESC